
  1. B

    Jonathan Papelbon - Sturbridge,MA 12/2

    Is anyone going to this?
  2. boswell423

    Joshua and Jeremy Papelbon Book Signing 11/29

    Joshua and Jeremy Papelbon will be having a book signing on Thursday evening at LeLacheur Park in Lowell, Mass. from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. For just $20 you will meet the twins, get a book and autograph and the twins will be available for photos. Five dollars of each purchase will go to the Joann Weber...
  3. sprtsstar4ever

    Jon Papelbon Manchester, NH.....

    Expensive, but he is doing a signing this Saturday at BC Sports in the Mall of NH... $59 for balls and flats. I don't think I have time to hound him before/after as I am working and Sox tickets go on sale in the morning, but we will see what happens...
  4. D

    Brockton Rox 2007 Hot Stove Banquet (Papelbon) Looks like free autographs with purchase of a ticket. I don't think I'll be able to go, but I am sure some people from around here will be attending. Does anyone think if I sent something c/o the place its being held, they would get it to him?
  5. D


    the Jonathan Papelbon signing, originally scheduled for february 12th, has been postponed until April 10th..........Just thought I would let the people who said they mite go know......
  6. D

    jon papelbon

    jonathan papelbon in Pembroke massachusetts on february 12th. tickets are 20 bucks. event being held at pro shots atheletic center............runs from 12-2
  7. J

    Jonathan Papelbon, Franklin MA

    Red Sox Pitcher Jonathan Papelbon will be appearing on Sunday, January 8th at Force Play Sports Cards in Franklin, MA. Tickets are $20.00 for any item. More info here:
  8. B

    Papelbon & Hansen

    12/3 at the Independance Mall in Kingston, MA papelbon=$29 all items $10 inscriptions (2005 Boston red sox , 1st win 9-12-2005) Hansen=$29 all items and $10 inscriptions (2005 boston red sox, 2005 1st round pick) Lyle =$19/$35 and $10 inscriptions('67 impossible dream, '77 cy young )...