Ewing via Steiner January signing


Lifetime Member
Jul 25, 2009
Bayonne, NJ
The Ewing signing looks to be scheduled for Tuesday, January 15th, so, for now, I would need all items/payments by Wednesday, January 9. If the dates change, I will let you all know. Please put your interest here and what you plan on sending. Same prices $125 flats/$250 equipment. If those prices change, I will let you know that as well. I haven't spoken to Steiner yet about it, but I'm assuming prices will remain the same.
Rules are as follows:
-Please prep and tag each item. Include a Post-It on each item with your screenname as well as your real name. Mark where you would like the item signed and in what pen choice you prefer. I cannot guarantee the item will be signed as you like, but Steiner is definitely great at getting it right.
-I will NOT accept any SASEs with prepaid postage. Either stamp your return envelope or include the shipping fees in your payment to me. Whatever it is to send to me, will most likely be the price to send back to you.
-I will also NOT accept any items without a SASE this time. It is too much work to find shipping supplies to fit your items and I am not going out of pocket to buy any shipping materials. I am a one man team, help me out!
-I will accept either a check made out to Michael Wernick or PayPal with fees covered, NO EXCEPTIONS. Please remember to add the fees.
-Items should be mailed to Michael Wernick, 13 Avenue C, Bayonne, NJ 07002
-If you have any questions, feel free to PM me here,e-mail me at m13w13@aol.com, or shoot me a txt or call me at 201-388-7583. Txt or PM is best, but if you have a pressing issue, I'll do my best to take your call. If I don't get to your call, leave a VM with your name & # and I'll get back to you ASAP

Setup your TMs and get your items out if you plan on sending in because this is a very quick turnaround! I'm going up already that week, so I'll take whatever I get by Wednesday, January 8.
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Please not date change in original post! Need everything by Wednesday, January 8! I will not accept any items after that date. This is a go!
Got called into work today. One of the downfalls of working in the IT dept of a hospital. Working out a new date to dropoff the items. Most likely shooting for Tuesday or Wednesday next week unless they request them earlier.