3 Diamondbacks/Phoenix signing

they'll probably charge an arm and a leg at such a signing especially since these guys were in the playoffs.
bc81758 said:
they'll probably charge an arm and a leg at such a signing especially since these guys were in the playoffs.

You didnt read the page carefully, it says you can obtain their autographs for a minimal purchase at the store they are signing at. What the minimal purchase is I dont know, but I dont think it is going to be alot
That store is in the Paradise Valley Mall. Each guy is going to charge at least $20 to sign. The guy who owns the store is the same one who runs the signings at the card shows in the Phoenix area.
that guy does mail order as well.
is anyone going and if you are can you 50/50 them
Authenticink said:
You didnt read the page carefully, it says you can obtain their autographs for a minimal purchase at the store they are signing at. What the minimal purchase is I dont know, but I dont think it is going to be alot

Eric Byrnes - $29
Orlando Hudson - $20
Conor Jackson - $20
