Chris Paul book signing Bookends NYC


Lifetime Member
May 31, 2009
Rancho Cucamonga , CA
Chris Paul is signing his children's book next week Monday Septmeber 21st, 7:30pm at the Bookends in NJ. For me I live in California so I called to order the book and have it mailed to me and there is no problem. The book costs $16.95 with 8.95 shipping and talking to the staff they said you can call them up to the signing to order the book and you can order multiples. They don't know if he will personalize the books or not but will take the request and see what happens.

Bookends phone number 201- 445-0726
On a related note, Lance Armstrong is going to be signing his book at BookEnds on Dec. 1. I was able to put a phone order in today to have a signed book shipped to me after the signing. I think the total was about $37. Pretty good.
i got my book back and it looks great. a nice big signature on the title page and he personalized it to me which is cool.

thank you for posting the lance armstrong book. i think i will pick up a few for the holidays as well as the chuck norris book for my brothers birthday. i hope they personalize