Kevin Durant INTEREST

Unless it was every letter........

Think he'd listen if you "suggested" he develop a "better" sig for paid signings going forward, since he's such a good IP signer and we don't want to stop him from doing that....That would most certainly raise interest. Or, give good price on inscriptions that you can't get IP...

Just some thoughts....
My intentions weren't to jeopardize his great signing habits in person. I was saying this confidentially between me and my guy that gets me the athletes not directly to Durant. My guy has more weight than i do negotiating so i was just stating the obvious to him just between me and him. Also i used a comparison that a magic johnson, a hall of famer, is 75 per item and i didn't think durant was at his level yet. I have a good relationship with the guy that drawls the athletes. Im waiting to hear back from him after i text him again this morning. I know he said nothing would be finalized until the middle of this month when Kevin got back from worlds.

I have already brought up his "sig". Pretty similar as I did with Vick. If he wants to charge a little more, we need something on our end such as a nicer graph etc. I will post once i get more info. I have over 250 pieces at this moment due to some companies buying in to this signing that have been trying to get durant to do a sit down for a while.
I'm in for at least one item in the initial price range, two if it comes down any.
I agree that even $50 per would be a great deal. Expecting 20-30 is pretty stupid.
For $50 I'd be in for a jersey, if it is for any item. And an inscription too if they aren't too much.