i am cheaper if you want it signed through me and not the store cause they charge $7 shipping and handling fee per item all you have to pay is the amount it actually costs to ship it. and i will be faster getting the item back to you cause i will mail them the same day or a few days after. and i might be able to get a good deal if i get more than 12 items. also if you guys want a photo signed i can get you one for $4 and a ball for $14 so you dont have to pay shipping to me. and the ball is an omlb.
if any of you guys who belong to sportscollectors.net could you post a thread up there for this signing? if you can it will help speed things up. just tell the people in sportscollecters.net to email me at mjfickey@yahoo.com if they want anything. and tell them prices and the date of the signing. pm me if one of you guys do this so i know who did it and i can help them out in the future.
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