Alex Liddi Private Signing - March 10, 2021


Premier Member
Aug 25, 2009
Metuchen, NJ
Alex Liddi Private Signing

Alex played for the Seattle Mariners from 2011-2013. He was also a member of the 2009, 2013 and 2017 Italy World Baseball Classic teams. Alex is also the first and only Italian born and raised player to ever play in the MLB. His last recorded TTM success was in 2014.

Cards: $10 each ($9 each for 4-6, $8 each for 7 or more)
Flats (up to 8x10 size): $12 each
Balls $15
Inscriptions: $5

I need items by: March 5th
Date of signing: March 10th

This is a through the mail signing. These items will be sent direct to Alex and sent back to me, all in one package. I cannot control Alex or the mail, so please do not send items in that you cannot replace unless you are comfortable with it. I will not be liable for missing items, simply refunding your signing fee. Alex will be paid upon items being received back signed by me, so I guarantee a refund if any mail gets lost between myself and Alex.

Payment can be made via PayPal (F&F), Venmo, Cash or Check.
My PayPal address is and my Venmo is @Peter-Altamore. If paying via PayPal F&F, please do not include anything in the message/subject line for the payment.

Important Notice:
- Label of each item you send in with your first and last name on a sticky note.
- All cards and photos will be signed in blue sharpie. All baseballs with blue ballpoint pen.
- Please include a SASE for me to return your item.

Please send all items to me at:
Peter Altamore
15 Fairway Drive
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
Ugh I hate that I thought about participating in this signing for a second. I can't stand that piece of human garbage, yet I have one or two cards that are unsigned I think.
Ugh I hate that I thought about participating in this signing for a second. I can't stand that piece of human garbage, yet I have one or two cards that are unsigned I think.
If it makes you feel any better, he seems like a nice enough guy when I talk to him, maybe he has changed! :)
If it makes you feel any better, he seems like a nice enough guy when I talk to him, maybe he has changed! :)
They tend to when they realize they are not the hot **** they thought they were, are out of baseball, and have nothing else going for them in life. Sorry, but between he and some no-name guy signing my Liddi cards(the no name guy did while Liddi was sitting next to him and I handed to Liddi), and his attitude in Norfolk, just don't have a positive opinion on this guy. I don't know, I get he got hammered for autos, but he was a tool.
Leury Bonilla lives in infamy!
He’s been playing in Mexico the last five years. I’ve gotten him twice, and he’s mellowed considerably
Agreed when I saw him last in the States he was playing with the Royals Double A affliate and he was quite mellowed at that point as well. As a matter of fact I was able to get him for other board members no problem really....

I honestly would have guessed he moved back to Italy by now? I bet he could have a job for life in Italian baseball if he chose to do so? Wouldn't be the worst gig in the world in my opinion.
Ugh I hate that I thought about participating in this signing for a second. I can't stand that piece of human garbage, yet I have one or two cards that are unsigned I think.
I’m always surprised to hear how much guys have changed. I saw him a lot when he was in the Mariners org and I don’t remember him ever refusing or being anything but nice.