MLB All Star Game 2010 - Fanfest 2010 autograph schedule, etc?

Rickey being Rickey. Huge line at 9:15 for his 10am co-signing with Fred Lynn. Over the course of the first hour, he went from seemingly signing everything except bats to no balls to then no balls and no photos. All that's currently left are Fanfest ticket stubs, blank sheets of paper and Fanfest schedules. Hopefully things will change by the time I get to the front of the line. I'm sure Mauer and Longoria will be crazy, though I hear there are a lot of additions today which will hopefully thin the lines out. Hard to imagine how it could be more crowded than Saturday - nearly got trampled trying to get Ripken and got shut out of Fred Lynn.
thanks for the link, its a good watch

don't agree with either side really, but was pretty amusing
Kinda feel bad for Gary, I think they should sign whatever but the camera guy was a dick. Dang thing is they ended up with what they wanted.