I've thought about doing this for a couple signings at Mill Creek Sports, but I have a good relationship with the store and their owner/employees and don't want to risk it. It isn't the "right" thing to do, but if you have nothing to risk but getting shot down, you might as well...if you can live with yourself
I don't think there's anything "wrong" about it, in that it doesn't hurt trying. But outside of the signing would be extremely tough as I'm sure he'll have people around him. If he wants to sign, that will be his choice.
Any way you look at it, you never know for sure until you try. The first suggestion is a bit stalkerish, but if you walk away with the sig in the end, then it is worth it!!
did this back in the mid-1990s with barry sanders, who was doing a nearby show with willie mays. found out where sanders was staying...arrived at the hotel, oddly enough, about 15 minutes before sanders checked in. sanders couldn't have been cooler. he chatted us up, posed for pics, etc. but he declined graphs because he was with the card show promoter. he even apologized, saying that he would normally do it were he not with the promoter. i'll never forget my friend, who told barry, "you look a lot smaller in person." LOL
I agree with kassis it is wrong on many levels, if you really really want the sig pay for it. Imagine if you were the promoter and you look at the door as your client is walking up and some guy asks for his auto. Wouldn't you be kinda mad????
Did this once for Ralph kiner a few years back...needless to say my friend and I didnt get the graph. It's overly awkward for all parties involved. The only chance you really have is if you catch him at a time when he isnt going to/coming from the signing, and then you could make an excuse so that you had no idea such an event was occuring.
I've done it a couple of times at shows by me.. from what I was told players ( reggie jackson) and promoters I know, from the show, is once they leave the signing venue they are on their time...Many players walk out with the promoters but even then I have seen players stop. To be honest most promoters I know contract a player by piece count and they are getting their piece count regardless... so I see it as fair game.
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