Ravens HOF JONATHAN OGDEN Private Signing 2/27/13

Looks like a huge demand for this

Are you reading my PM's Mark? As for demand, its about what I expected. He's the best offensive lineman of all time but he is still an offensive lineman.

ogden is 70 plus 20 inscription at mounted memories show. thats only a 15 dollar savings for this signing, not sure if shipping 2 ways will cost 15 or less

$15 an autograph is a great savings. And people can buy the item from me saving the ship to me.
Are you reading my PM's Mark? As for demand, its about what I expected. He's the best offensive lineman of all time but he is still an offensive lineman.

$15 an autograph is a great savings. And people can buy the item from me saving the ship to me.

My helmet guy takes care of me at $17. thats $8 there, 53.3% of the autograph savings

This is a good signing for some and not for others. cant expect a signing to be for everyone.