Vladimir Konstantinov Red Wings Stanley Cup Champion Private Signing July 30th


Staff member
Jul 24, 2007
Red Wings Stanley Cup Champion Vladimir Konstantinov Private Signing July 30th/Public Event August 12th

SportsGraphing is excited to announce a private signing with Detroit Red Wing Stanley Cup Champion Vladimir Konstantinov. The Public Event will be August 12th at the Pro Sports Zone in Livonia. For those who cannot attend, we are making send ins available to be signed at the end of July. Items must arrive before July 28th.

Proceeds go directly to The Vladimir Konstantinov Special Needs Trust that will be used for the ongoing non-medical care of Vladdie. His health insurance is still paid for by the State of Michigan. Many of you know, he was involved in a horrific limousine crash just six days after the Red Wings 1997 Stanley Cup victory. As you can imagine that accident has changed his and his family’s life forever. Over the years, and with a lot of therapy, he has improved but there are still challenges. Signing autographs has been a great therapy for Vladdie and getting out meeting fans in person he really enjoys.

OUR ITEMS (All JSA certed)
We have hundreds of cards, rookies, pucks, photos, and jerseys available for immediate shipment. Visit the Vladdy store today https://shop.sportsgraphing.com/?orderby=popularity&paged=1&s=vladimir&post_type=product
[Sportsgraphing.com] Vladimir Konstantinov Red Wings Stanley Cup Champion Private Signing July 30th[Sportsgraphing.com] Vladimir Konstantinov Red Wings Stanley Cup Champion Private Signing July 30th[Sportsgraphing.com] Vladimir Konstantinov Red Wings Stanley Cup Champion Private Signing July 30th[Sportsgraphing.com] Vladimir Konstantinov Red Wings Stanley Cup Champion Private Signing July 30th[Sportsgraphing.com] Vladimir Konstantinov Red Wings Stanley Cup Champion Private Signing July 30th

SEND INS (S&H Below)
$50 Any Item
$10 JSA

IDIOT PROOF YOUR SEND IN ITEMS (Thanks Scott Smith the “S.I. King”)
1) Include something with your item(s) that has your NAME, PHONE #, EMAIL ADDRESS, and ADDRESS in case things are unclear as to how you want things signed.
2) Put a small Post-It on the item with your name and where you want the item signed and the color of marker or pen.

Cash, check or money order to be sent in with your items made payable to SportsGraphing. Credit Card or PayPal alan@sportsgraphing.com ONLY if you are purchasing one of ours items.

Ship your items to SportsGraphing, Vladdie, PO Box 1245, Millersville, MD 21108.

Return S&H for YOUR ITEMS must be included with your items. SASE rules below.
1-9 cards $6 for USPS First Class Mail with Delivery Tracking
1-4 magazines, photos, or 10+ cards, please add $9.00 for Priority Mail S&H.
1 Puck $7 S&H. 2 Pucks $9 S&H. Email me if more than 2.
1-2 Jerseys $20 for Priority Mail S&H.

SASE RULES - We will accept a SASE but it MUST have return tracking clearly on your SASE.

Insurance by request. Add $3.50 per $100 value for all insurance. We are not responsible for lost or damaged items.