2009-10 Baseball Fan Fests

i heard the kc one is off the hook..kj
cubs road trip wouldnt be that bad..kj
Phillies don't have a fan fest...unless you are talking about the Phillies Caravan? (and no I don't know when that is....but based on the past its in mid January)
The Caravan looks stupid anyway. Only guys like Matt Stairs and Scott Eyre show up to it.
Do the Cardinals do tickets for all the players or just for certain players ?

They have a long list of old timers and a couple of prospects who will sign for free. The current players, coaches and legends will sign for a fee ranging from $5.00 to $175.00 (probably more this year) for Pujols. You have to camp out to get a Pujols autograph ticket.

I went for the first time year before last and did great with the freebies. Didn't get but a couple of for pay guys on stuff I needed for sets. The lines for autographs are long and you'll need to have help to get everybody.
marlins feb. 13......and i went to the cardinals' fanfest in '03, and it was lame because pujols and a few others only took pictures (they would not sign graphs). i wonder if they still do that?
Regarding the Cardinal fanfest, based on feedback I have heard you can by tickets for all players (although some players have a limited number of tickets sold).

I am curious what individuals will sign. Will Pujols sign a jersey? Will he sign a ball on the SS? What about inscriptions?
Just answering your question...you never know with those things. I've gotten Ryan Howard at one of them. Not recently mind you but you never know.
Regarding the Cardinal fanfest....

I was looking at the ticket prices last year for people like Molina and Carpenter - 100.00 to 60.00 which I find very expensive after you pay 40.00 to get in.....

Other then that it seems to be carefully put together and organized.

Right now I am leaning towards the Braves, Royals, Twins, and Rays Fanfests because their will be no ST for me this year. Will only go to Braves if they follow the same format like last year. I substract points for the Braves because they do not really try to have the whole team in house.

On last years ticket form, Pujols would not sign bats, posters, or jerseys.