Premier Member
Regarding the Cardinal fanfest, based on feedback I have heard you can by tickets for all players (although some players have a limited number of tickets sold).
I am curious what individuals will sign. Will Pujols sign a jersey? Will he sign a ball on the SS? What about inscriptions?
Most of the current players sign, but not for free. Pujols has been $175 for the past 2 years and I expect it to be similar this year. He only signs balls and photos. It says that he will not sign posters, but he does do 16x20s. He will sign sweet spots, but only if you ask. He will usually do inscriptions, but is really grumpy about it. Unless you just REALLY want to meet him (which I do not recommend) you are probably better off just buying something alsready signed by him. He is not pleasant and typically will not even make eye contact.
The lines for autographs are extremely long and poorly organized. The space for the convention is way too small for the amount of people. The weather is usually bad but it is very hot inside due to the amount of people.
If you hang out in the lobby you may get Ken Reitz or Rick Horton, but not much better than that. Anyone who stops to sign will be mobbed by 50+ people, most of which will ask " Who is this?"
On the up-side, it only last 3 days. This is a must attend event if you are a die hard Cardinals fan and can't wait for the opportunity to meet the likes of Solly Hemus and Kerry Robinson.