Alex Gordon Private Signing

Could you also PM me about the price for a card?

Address is Alan Moore, 708 Wagner Farm Rd, Millersville MD 21108

I can take cards, 8x10's and balls. Jerseys will be more. I will need a SASE or SASpackage for bigger items (ie: balls, 8x10's, etc).

I think we have more than enough to get the discount. Keep this mum but $25 is the price per signature plus your item sent in if everyone who has chimed in sends their stuff in. I need it ASAP so I can box it all up and send it in. Send them to me with a check payable to Hollywood. As with the Ryan Anderson signing, I make nothing.

When they get back I will send all items back the same week.

One of the features of this community, for those who have yet to pay your memberships fees, will be the setup of these private signings with players that everyone needs.
just out of curiosity, what is the hologram from? Hollywood or does Gordon have a specific hologram?
Alan, could you please PM the cost of a jersey, when you have a chance. Would it be in line with what a premium item would cost at the Tri-Star signing he is doing?
I assume the baseballs will be signed in blue ballpoint pen - i think someone who posted ur message above earlier said something like everything will be signed in blue sharpie - this isnt the case for balls is it?
Would there be personal discounts if someone were to buy say 10 autographs?

Also interested in jersey price via pm.

I may be interested in a few cards depending on price. Tristar 06, tri star 06 Potential insert, maybe a stray just card, have to double check. Please PM/email prices, thanks...