October trip to Dominican Republic

Let me expand this a little, anyone have interest in:

Pascual Perez, Winston Llenas, Jesus Taveraz, Miguel Dilone, Marino Santana, Ramon Martinez (Dodgers, Red Sox pitcher)

Please post here. $15-20 range.
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I have interest in Pascual Perez,Miguel Dilone and Ramon Martinez
i (and many others) and Anderson Amador away from the 2004 just rookies set...he was a big bonus baby who played two years in the GCL and was released...per his card he is from Azua...any chance you could track him down?
Julio Valdez possible again?

What do you need signed by Valdez? I have some extras.

If there's enough interest maybe but probably not because Valdez lives in the middle of nowhere and going to get him would kill the good part of a day.
i (and many others) and Anderson Amador away from the 2004 just rookies set...he was a big bonus baby who played two years in the GCL and was released...per his card he is from Azua...any chance you could track him down?

I need Amador too!
I need 1982 topps future stars, and wouldn't mind getting my TCMA Pawsox card signed. But please don't worry about going out of the way (enjoy your time off). Would it be possible to mail to him? Don't know how well the postal service works in the DR (too bad I couldn't send him some Copenhagen in return). Is there an address to reach him? Thanks!