Sean Casey private signing to benefit Miracle League Baseball

Would you be willing to do a career stats/achievements inscription?

Like a stat ball? Sure. Just send an additional donation since they take a long time to do. Casey signed two stat balls last time--first time he had ever done them before--and they took around 15-20 minutes per ball. Granted, a few times he would remember something else to add to them and would go back and add those things. I'm getting him to add "Cincinnati Reds HOF 2012" to mine.

Or do you mean something like his lifetime stat line? Something like ".302 BA/130 HR/735 RBI" would be fine without an additional donation.
So far, I have received over 100 items and over $600 for these fine charities. I want to triple that figure by January! Keep those items coming! Big thanks to all who have contributed so far!
I have a couple Allen & Ginters coming from Beckett. When they arrive I will send those two at the very least, and may send a couple more.
One week to go! There is still time to send in your items! If you sent your items a while ago, but never heard from me about receiving them, please PM or email me. I'm getting a lot of things from a lot of different sources and unless you list your screen name from here, I won't know it's you!