TERRY CROWLEY 3-Time World Series Champion Private Signing August 17th.


Staff member
Jul 24, 2007
TERRY CROWLEY 3-Time World Series Champion Private Signing August 17th.

SportsGraphing is excited to announce our private signing with Terry Crowley. Items/orders must be received no later than 8/16.

Terry Crowley played from 1969 through 1983, most notably as a member of the Baltimore Orioles dynasty that won three consecutive American League pennants from 1969 to 1971 and, won the World Series in 1970. As a member of the Big Red Machine, he won his 2nd World Series in 1975 and as a coach on the 1991 Twins he received ring #3. On August 24th of 2024, he will also be inducted into the Baltimore Orioles Hall of Fame where he belongs.

3× World Series champion (1970, 1975, 1991)
As player: Orioles (1969–1973), Reds (1974–1975), Braves (1976), Orioles (1976–1982), Expos (1983)
As coach: Orioles (1985–1988), Minnesota Twins (1991–1998), Baltimore Orioles (1999–2011)

SEND INS – Plus S&H (see below)
Cards $15
Everything Else $25
Inscriptions $15
Beckett $8

OUR ITEMS – S&H/Beckett Included https://shop.sportsgraphing.com/?s=orioles&post_type=product
Baseballs $60
Baseballs with 1 Inscription $75
Inscriptions: ‘24 O’s HOF, ‘70 WS Champs, ‘75 WS Champs, ’91 WS Champs, Big Red Machine, The Crow, Full Name

NOTES: All cards/photos will be signed in Blue Sharpie, baseballs in Blue pen unless instructed otherwise.

IDIOT PROOF YOUR SEND IN ITEMS (Thanks Scott Smith the “S.I. King”)
1) Include something with your item(s) that has your NAME, PHONE #, EMAIL ADDRESS, and ADDRESS in case things are unclear as to how you want things signed.
2) Put a small Post-It on the item with your name and where you want the item signed and the color of marker or pen.
3) When requesting an inscription, WRITE IT OUT CLEARLY so it gets done properly.

Cash, check or money order to be sent in with your items made payable to SportsGraphing. Credit Card or PayPal alan@sportsgraphing.com ONLY if you are purchasing one of our items.

Ship your items to SportsGraphing, The Crow, PO Box 1245, Millersville, MD 21108.

Return S&H for YOUR ITEMS must be included with your items. SASE rules below.
1-9 cards $7 for USPS First Class Mail with Delivery Tracking. 1-4 magazines, photos, or 10+ cards, please add $9.00 for Priority Mail S&H. 1 Baseball/Puck $7 S&H. 2 Baseballs/Pucks $10 S&H. Email me if more than 2. 1-2 Jerseys $20 for Priority Mail S&H. Bats, cleats, or other large items, please add $35 for Priority Mail S&H. SASE RULES - We will accept a SASE, but it MUST have return tracking clearly on your SASE. Insurance by request. Add $3.50 per $100 value for all insurance. We are not responsible for lost or damaged items.

Terry Crowley Autographed OMLB Baseball Inscribed 1970 WS Champs.jpgTerry Crowley Autographed OMLB Baseball Inscribed 1975 WS Champs.jpgTerry Crowley Autographed OMLB Baseball Inscribed 2024 Os HOF.jpgTerry Crowley Autographed OMLB Baseball Inscribed Big Red Machine.jpgTerry Crowley Autographed OMLB Baseball Inscribed The Crow.jpg
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TERRY CROWLEY UPDATE: We wrapped up the 2nd part of "The Crow" signing this afternoon. Sorry for the delay but he had to have heart bypass surgery the week after he was inducted in the Orioles HOF. Terry back on the mend and was grateful to the fans who sent in nearly 100 items to sign.