Rick Asadoorian Private Signing 3/14/08

Can someone post the cards that both of these players have issued? May be interested since RIck is a Dodger now and I haven't had any luck getting him this ST. Thanks.
These are Asadoorians:

2006 Chattanooga Lookouts Grandstand 10
2005 Chattanooga Lookouts Grandstand 27
2004 Frisco Roughriders Team Issue 2
2001 SP Top Prospects Great Futures GF12
2001 SP Top Prospects 27
2001 Bowman Gold 164
2001 Bowman Chrome X-Fractors 209
2001 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors 209
2001 Bowman Chrome 209
2001 Bowman 164
2000 Topps Traded Autographs TTA54
2000 Topps Traded T54
2000 Topps Tek Gold 45
2000 Topps Tek 45
2000 Topps Tek 45
2000 Topps Tek 45
2000 Topps Stars Pre-Production PP5
2000 Topps Stars Metallic Blue 144
2000 Topps Stars Metallic Blue 196
2000 Topps Stars 144
2000 Topps Stars 196
2000 Topps Limited 453
2000 Topps Home Team Advantage 453
2000 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Gold 92
2000 Topps Gold Label Class 3 92
2000 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Gold 92
2000 Topps Gold Label Class 2 92
2000 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Gold 92
2000 Topps Gold Label Class 1 92
2000 Topps Chrome Traded T54
2000 Topps Chrome Refractors 453
2000 Topps Chrome 453
2000 Topps 453
2000 Team Best Rookies Autographs 5
2000 Stadium Club Printing Plates 250
2000 Stadium Club One of a Kind 250
2000 Stadium Club First Day Issue 250
2000 Stadium Club Chrome Visionaries Refractors V20
2000 Stadium Club Chrome Visionaries V20
2000 Stadium Club Chrome Refractors 250
2000 Stadium Club Chrome First Day Issue Refractors 250
2000 Stadium Club Chrome First Day Issue 250
2000 Stadium Club Chrome 250
2000 Stadium Club 250
2000 Just Graded 2K Gold 2
2000 Just Graded 2K Black 2
2000 Just Graded 2k 2
2000 Just Gold 103
2000 Just Debuts JD21
2000 Just Black 103
2000 Just 103
2000 Finest Refractors 118
2000 Finest Gold Refractors 118
2000 Finest 118
2000 Bowman's Best 175
2000 Bowman Retro/Future 350
2000 Bowman Gold 350
2000 Bowman Chrome Teen Idols Refractors TI11
2000 Bowman Chrome Teen Idols TI11
2000 Bowman Chrome Retro/Future Refractors 350
2000 Bowman Chrome Retro/Future 350
2000 Bowman Chrome Refractors 350
2000 Bowman Chrome 350
2000 Bowman 350
thanks Will, nothing from sets I am working on.

This package is going to be delayed a few days. A bunch of the Asadoorian/Faison cards are being shipped from Faison today. Once I get the package from Vince, I will send out the Asadoorian package. Any questions let me know. Thanks

Last Minute


In checking through my cards, I came across a Faison/Asadoorian card signed by Faison. When are you sending the package to Rick and is it possible for me to send this one to you? plmk


In checking through my cards, I came across a Faison/Asadoorian card signed by Faison. When are you sending the package to Rick and is it possible for me to send this one to you? plmk


Rick, sorry, the package is being sent out in an hour.

Can I meet you at the post office then? jk

Thanks for pulling this together!
Can I meet you at the post office then? jk

Thanks for pulling this together!

No problem Rick, at least your other ones will get done. I actually sent it from my NY address as spring break ended (to my disliking) and I am back at school, so you would of had a tough time meeting me at the post office. LOL

62 cards went out to Rick this afternoon. Here is the DC #: 0306032000443792854

As always, I appreciate those who sent in!

Everyones stuff is in and will be sent out on Monday if you sent multiple SASEs. If you sent one SASE and you sent stuff in for Hermansen, everything will be sent back when we hear from him.

The card below we have some extras of...We will sell the card for $2 and a SASE, signed by both guys. Let me know if there is any interest.
[Sportsgraphing.com] Rick Asadoorian Private Signing 3/14/08

Thanks again to those who took part
