Sun Times Show - June 2012

2 Mannings is still a special show. I've done a lot of shows where I pick up like 8 HOF'ers under $49 and that's fun but once in a while it's good to add a centerpiece to the collection. By the way, when I said no show next summer I meant Mounted Memories shows. The National and Tristar will bring in the usual suspects (though I actually need Yount this time)
Is anyone doing VIP for the show? I should be there everyday for it too. Looking forward to getting Alshon and Deion. Anyone know any good inscriptions other than Primetime for Deion?
I have heard two bad reports so far that the show is really scaled down this time.
I'm guessing the prices are keeping alot of people away. I know that is what keeping me home.
Ha! First one in years that I am not going too! It also could be that I am saving for the All Star game next weekend.
I was going to go on Sunday for Pedro but I am flying out east to the beach for my cousins 21st BDay as a suprise. I will get Pedro next time. I heard dealer prices were ehhh and show was smaller from a friend