Private Signing Rules & Regulations

I think we really just need to take a step back and look at everything. The huge issue is not going to be the small guys. For those guys it is more like having a friend help another out. The issue really is on the bigger signings.
The ones where there are over 100 items or so. I think a lot of guys want to feel important. Like Alan said, writing everyone they have an address for or looking up an Agent and making a deal. A lot of the guys trying to do this are just kids. I know that is offensive to some of you but when dealing in a business situation, experience is a big thing. When you have guys who are High School students trying to negotiate deals with professional athletes, they are over there head. You need to anticipate issues that may come up. You need to have contingency plans. What would happen if a bunch of people signed up for the Hamilton signing at $25 a pop and the items got lost? Lets say there were 100 items. That would be $2500 dollars that they would be responsible for. I really don't want to see the posts after this saying that you would not care because you are full of it. When you do a signing, YOU are responsible for the completion of the signing. YOU are responsible for the items from the time it enters into your possession, During the signing process, and for the return of the item. You are also responsible to reach the amount promised to the player. Posting that you are going to send an item on a message board is not a contract. This is why you all need to think about doing this and do it right. There have been many Big Time promoters who have gotten themselves in legal trouble because they got in over their head.

Alan has provided the fourm to present the signings. It is his option to allow or not to allow any or all of them. He controls the content. He allows the Mods to have imput and asks us to move it along, but he is the final decision. It is also his right not to allow compition to his signings. He may want to be the exclusive signing promoter for this site. He also may decide to charge a fee to advertise signings on his site. Right now all he asks is to make sure every thing is legit before the signing takes place. Don't get caught up in the names or the access because untill you recieve your item back, you have got nothing.
For the reasons that captian23 just why I was skeptical earlier on when a few of the younger members were going to have a signing. No offense to those guys but I did question the issue of legality of a 14 year old taking on and running these signings. I asked how contracts could be signed etc at that age. I agree that the responsiblity is with the people taking these signings on..and it shouldnt be assumed that everything is as easy as it seems. Merely taking a bunch of items and having guys sign them is easy...but the responsiblity of changes, getting them back to the right person etc etc makes for a more difficult task. And when things do go they sometimes do, that person is responsible for the items. The persons who initially were posting the signings would have had a hard time "making good" financially had something gone wrong. You definitely need to anticipate things happening. I think whether Alan takes over the signings or not...there need to be simple rules as he outlined above. We simply can not have these signings taking place without some regulation on how they are done. Just an opinion.
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I want no part in other peoples signings, LOL! It's a lot of work pulling these things off sometimes. If any of you knew the hassle the Longoria deal was, you wouldnt be contacting anyone about doing one yourself.

The rules are listed, abide by them or don't post your deal. That's it!
Funny that this thread was bumped. I have been thinking about how many wannabe promoters are popping up all over this board. People contacting players via myspace or facebook or snail mail trying to set this stuff up. A monster has been created. Time to kill it off.
Agreed, if there isn't enough interest on here to get 50-100+ items then the athlete shouldnt be approached in the 1st place.

Alright I have about had it about being quiet. I will start off by saying I am not mad, blaming anyone or crying this is my opinion though. Read the above statement alanmoore just wrote. Amy, your my girl, but that was hardly a good point. "If you can't get 50-100 items the athlete shouldn't be approached." Yet, if you can't post the signing you have no idea how many items you are going to accumulate. The above statement is the most contradictory idea I have seen yet. Vince Faison, who if you had asked me prior to posting, I would have guessed 100 items. Planning on sending on Monday, I have just under 50 items in my possesion. Vince has a bunch of cards, fell off the face of the earth and is at a great is impossible to guess how many items are going to be sent it. Ryan Anderson was $5 a pop and had just as many cards as Faison and got 100's of items. I have more items for Aaron Capista who has one and only one card and his signing isn't for another 3 weeks. Alanmoore's great landing of Ricky Williams has only got 15 or so commitments. Does that mean forget it? Oh but because he is a big name we will keep it on? If I knew I would have more Rick Asadoorian cards then everyone combined on all the sites I posted on, I would have just sent my stuff in. Again, not mad, just things to consider.

Onto the is about rules so to implement something for these signings is what it is. As long as Alan gives a timely reply (within 24 hours) I have not problem contacting him first. Insurance is a good idea, and something I personally did not consider. Here are two more rules, that in my opinion must be added.

1. The "promoter" must label or have the senders label every item to ensure that the sender will get the EXACT item they sent.

Reasoning behind this: Sent a BDP and TriStar in for the Gordon signing. Got a BDP back bubbled that I KNOW I prepped the $h!t out of and I know wouldn't bubble. The TriStar I get back was uncropped and a piece of the next card was on the Gordon card, again I know the one I sent did not have that. Labeling with a post it would avoid this. If it's a double card signed by one guy already, people will want that exact one back. If you send them the card back in a different color sharpie for the first guy they got, they will know you switched cards on them. If someone sends me a corner chopped off is it fair for the person that sent the gem mint to get the corner chopped off one even though it is the same type of card? That should not happen and is why I keep a database and label everything.

2. The seller should be relieved of responsibility when the senders SASE is sent out.

Reasoning behind this: The SASE that is used should have all of the protection (literal protection for item, DC, insurance) that the sender deems necessary. It should not be the "promoters" responsibility that YOUR SASE got damaged, lost, ect. If you want DC on your item, bubble mailer, top loader, baseball cube, you buy it.

Lastly, stop bashing my signings. I don't care if your a Mod or God or a Mod who thinks he is God. If you do not have anything positive to contribute don't contribute at all.
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Alan, it seems as though the only guys you consider worthy of a signing are the guys you personally need for sets. Even if only 5 people need the guy, then why prevent those 5 people from getting it? Isn't helping others with their collections, by your own admission, what this site is all about?

The caliber of the player or how prevalent his signature is in the market shouldn't be a factor. IMO, the only thing that should be taken into consideration to get prior approval should be the credibility of the signing. In other words, what has the person done to show the signing is set up and agreed on and legit? If it's legit, then why prevent it from being posted?
If you have a guy who has 5 items to be done it is much more like a trade then a signing. No one is saying not to do it. Work it out via PM or on your own. I posted a couple of months ago about Jay Spurgon and only 1 guy needed him. He sent his cards and I returned them. I did not bump the post 10 times or make a big deal over it. If you have access to a guy, great help out the members, but it is not a Private Signing. Remember, you guys are only doing this on Alan's site. You are not professional promoters placing ads in SCD on Signings Hotline etc. Attacking him will not help your case. He is giving you free access. Structure is needed, that is all. Why is this such a hard concept?