Private Signing Rules & Regulations

Alright I have about had it about being quiet. I will start off by saying I am not mad, blaming anyone or crying this is my opinion though. Read the above statement alanmoore just wrote. Amy, your my girl, but that was hardly a good point. "If you can't get 50-100 items the athlete shouldn't be approached." Yet, if you can't post the signing you have no idea how many items you are going to accumulate. The above statement is the most contradictory idea I have seen yet. Vince Faison, who if you had asked me prior to posting, I would have guessed 100 items. Planning on sending on Monday, I have just under 50 items in my possesion. Vince has a bunch of cards, fell off the face of the earth and is at a great is impossible to guess how many items are going to be sent it. Ryan Anderson was $5 a pop and had just as many cards as Faison and got 100's of items. I have more items for Aaron Capista who has one and only one card and his signing isn't for another 3 weeks. Alanmoore's great landing of Ricky Williams has only got 15 or so commitments. Does that mean forget it? Oh but because he is a big name we will keep it on? If I knew I would have more Rick Asadoorian cards then everyone combined on all the sites I posted on, I would have just sent my stuff in. Again, not mad, just things to consider.

Onto the is about rules so to implement something for these signings is what it is. As long as Alan gives a timely reply (within 24 hours) I have not problem contacting him first. Insurance is a good idea, and something I personally did not consider. Here are two more rules, that in my opinion must be added.

1. The "promoter" must label or have the senders label every item to ensure that the sender will get the EXACT item they sent.

Reasoning behind this: Sent a BDP and TriStar in for the Gordon signing. Got a BDP back bubbled that I KNOW I prepped the $h!t out of and I know wouldn't bubble. The TriStar I get back was uncropped and a piece of the next card was on the Gordon card, again I know the one I sent did not have that. Labeling with a post it would avoid this. If it's a double card signed by one guy already, people will want that exact one back. If you send them the card back in a different color sharpie for the first guy they got, they will know you switched cards on them. If someone sends me a corner chopped off is it fair for the person that sent the gem mint to get the corner chopped off one even though it is the same type of card? That should not happen and is why I keep a database and label everything.

2. The seller should be relieved of responsibility when the senders SASE is sent out.

Reasoning behind this: The SASE that is used should have all of the protection (literal protection for item, DC, insurance) that the sender deems necessary. It should not be the "promoters" responsibility that YOUR SASE got damaged, lost, ect. If you want DC on your item, bubble mailer, top loader, baseball cube, you buy it.

Lastly, stop bashing my signings. I don't care if your a Mod or God or a Mod who thinks he is God. If you do not have anything positive to contribute don't contribute at all.
Good points on the additions to the rules.

I think the post of the posting for the small items is not to make a signing official (acepting items, money etc) unless it is worth the intrest. If you have a guy who you can get ask about intrest prior to setting it up. The main point is to have everything set up prior to acepting $$.


Private Signing

Babe Ruth

Items $1 each w/sase

I will be mailing cards out on 3/16 -or-
I will be having items signed in person on 3/16

Items to be returned on 3/17


Who was bashing your signings?
Lastly, stop bashing my signings. I don't care if your a Mod or God or a Mod who thinks he is God. If you do not have anything positive to contribute don't contribute at all.

Posting things like this make me want to start bashing your signings. Grow a thicker skin.
i knew these signings were going to get out of hand. ryan anderson is one thing. he's tough and everyone needed him it seems. but every a-aa ballplayer and scrubs that have like 1 card is insane....lets just use some common sense on the signings. the rules are a good idea.
Alanmoore's great landing of Ricky Williams has only got 15 or so commitments. Does that mean forget it? Oh but because he is a big name we will keep it on? If I knew I would have more Rick Asadoorian cards then everyone combined on all the sites I posted on, I would have just sent my stuff in. Again, not mad, just things to consider.

I assure you, after dropping a grand already with SCD and about to spend more on SigningsHotline, there will be a huge amnt of items sent in. We are hoping for 300-400.

1. The "promoter" must label or have the senders label every item to ensure that the sender will get the EXACT item they sent.

Reasoning behind this: Sent a BDP and TriStar in for the Gordon signing. Got a BDP back bubbled that I KNOW I prepped the $h!t out of and I know wouldn't bubble. The TriStar I get back was uncropped and a piece of the next card was on the Gordon card, again I know the one I sent did not have that. Labeling with a post it would avoid this. If it's a double card signed by one guy already, people will want that exact one back. If you send them the card back in a different color sharpie for the first guy they got, they will know you switched cards on them. If someone sends me a corner chopped off is it fair for the person that sent the gem mint to get the corner chopped off one even though it is the same type of card? That should not happen and is why I keep a database and label everything.

So it's my fault that YOU didn't put a sticky on the back of the card like a bunch of others did? When the items came in, I made a copy of the cards with the return SASE. When they came back, all the stickied cards went to the people who put the postit notes on the back. The rest were sent out after matching the card to the scanned in copy.

2. The seller should be relieved of responsibility when the senders SASE is sent out.

I agree and have not stated anything to the contrary!

Lastly, stop bashing my signings. I don't care if your a Mod or God or a Mod who thinks he is God. If you do not have anything positive to contribute don't contribute at all.

People are entitled to their opinions, I am sorry but before I setup the Ryan Anderson signing, I knew he would have extreme interest because he had a ton of cards and because he was never easy. Faison, come on man. How many Want Lists do you see him on? Don't worry though, I didn't see the point behind the Stauffer signing either and Huff is my boy.

Nice going with Hermanson though, I will be sending in a stack for that just to have trade bait.
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Agreed, if there isn't enough interest on here to get 50-100+ items then the athlete shouldnt be approached in the 1st place.

I agree Alan.

Glad to see some rules set in this place regarding private signings on here.
I assure you, after dropping a grand already with SCN and about to spend more on SigningsHotline, there will be a huge amnt of items sent in. We are hoping for 300-400.

I do not even see the RW signing on SCN. I bet you will do fine with RW, but as you just stated people have other outlets. Just because you only have 15 commitments on here, you have many more from other outlets. Same can be said for others.

So it's my fault that YOU didn't put a sticky on the back of the card like a bunch of others did? When the items came in, I made a copy of the cards with the return SASE. When they came back, all the stickied cards went to the people who put the postit notes on the back. The rest were sent out after matching the card to the scanned in copy.

Where did I say it was your fault? It was my fault for not doing so which is why I did not contact you and complain. I clearly stated in my second sentence in my first post, I was not mad, blaming anyone or crying. I just stated labeling would avoid this so making a rule would save you from dealing with this.

Nice going with Hermanson though, I will be sending in a stack for that just to have trade bait.

Awesome, I will announce it shortly and look forward to more!
I do not even see the RW signing on SCN. I bet you will do fine with RW, but as you just stated people have other outlets. Just because you only have 15 commitments on here, you have many more from other outlets. Same can be said for others.

I just inked the deal and SCD, not SCN, will be running a half page ad in their upcoming issues. Look for them because you will see big and large. LOL! As for other areas helping out, I don't care if you contacted every single collector in America, Faison wouldn't have gotten a response. You wanna go after someone? Track down Julio Ramirez or BJ Wallace and set a deal up with them. At least you know a lot of people would send stuff in for them.

Where did I say it was your fault? It was my fault for not doing so which is why I did not contact you and complain. I clearly stated in my second sentence in my first post, I was not mad, blaming anyone or crying. I just stated labeling would avoid this so making a rule would save you from dealing with this.

You sure did insinuate that it was MY fault because I didn't prep your cards when they came in by putting your name on the back. That is your responsbility and will be listed from here on out on every signing I do with sent in items.
Wow, this post is getting pretty intense. Considering that is does directly involve me I will post my two cents.

I really don't see the logic in not letting a private signing go down unless there is over 50 items. As long as there is some interest and everything is done right, then I really don't see a problem.


You posted that you no one would be interested in the Faison signing, yet after looking at the thread for it, there are 17 items that people were claiming to send in, not including yourself who posted, "I'll see how many 2000 UD Sp cards I can dig up".

I mean, I know 17 isn't alot but that very well will pay for Sean's postage (sent and return), insurance, DC and maybe a buck or two for pocket cash. What's the harm in that.

I really don't see the use in shutting down signings like this.

However, I do agree strict rules and guidelines need to be put in place as how to do this.

Also, alot of people can't afford things like the Ricky Williams signing. I mean, yeah I would love to get a heisman helmet or something of that nature signed but being a college student doesn't allow for expenses like that.

Also, with the Stauffer signing. The reason people sent stuff in is because the dude is not very nice to deal with. He is usually one per and even at promotional stuff he won't do everything. That's why people just pay to get him out of the way. I knew that so that's why I set it up. Sure, I didn't get 50-100 items but I did get around 25 items which is pretty decent.

I'm not trying to stir up trouble, i'm just saying that I think if the propper measures are taken and things are done the way they are supposed to then there would be no point to shutting small time private signings down.
